Module slack_bolt.oauth.oauth_settings

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import logging
import os
from logging import Logger
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union

from slack_sdk.oauth import (
from slack_sdk.oauth.state_store import FileOAuthStateStore

from slack_bolt.authorization.authorize import Authorize, InstallationStoreAuthorize
from slack_bolt.error import BoltError
from slack_bolt.oauth.internals import get_or_create_default_installation_store
from slack_bolt.oauth.callback_options import CallbackOptions

class OAuthSettings:
    # OAuth flow parameters/credentials
    client_id: str
    client_secret: str
    scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]]
    user_scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]]
    redirect_uri: Optional[str]
    # Handler configuration
    install_path: str
    install_page_rendering_enabled: bool
    redirect_uri_path: str
    callback_options: Optional[CallbackOptions] = None
    success_url: Optional[str]
    failure_url: Optional[str]
    authorization_url: str  # default:
    # Installation Management
    installation_store: InstallationStore
    installation_store_bot_only: bool
    token_rotation_expiration_minutes: int
    authorize: Authorize
    user_token_resolution: str  # default: "authed_user"
    # state parameter related configurations
    state_validation_enabled: bool
    state_store: OAuthStateStore
    state_cookie_name: str
    state_expiration_seconds: int
    # Customizable utilities
    state_utils: OAuthStateUtils
    authorize_url_generator: AuthorizeUrlGenerator
    redirect_uri_page_renderer: RedirectUriPageRenderer
    # Others
    logger: Logger

    def __init__(
        # OAuth flow parameters/credentials
        client_id: Optional[str] = None,  # required
        client_secret: Optional[str] = None,  # required
        scopes: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None,
        user_scopes: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None,
        redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None,
        # Handler configuration
        install_path: str = "/slack/install",
        install_page_rendering_enabled: bool = True,
        redirect_uri_path: str = "/slack/oauth_redirect",
        callback_options: Optional[CallbackOptions] = None,
        success_url: Optional[str] = None,
        failure_url: Optional[str] = None,
        authorization_url: Optional[str] = None,
        # Installation Management
        installation_store: Optional[InstallationStore] = None,
        installation_store_bot_only: bool = False,
        token_rotation_expiration_minutes: int = 120,
        user_token_resolution: str = "authed_user",
        # state parameter related configurations
        state_validation_enabled: bool = True,
        state_store: Optional[OAuthStateStore] = None,
        state_cookie_name: str = OAuthStateUtils.default_cookie_name,
        state_expiration_seconds: int = OAuthStateUtils.default_expiration_seconds,
        # Others
        logger: Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__),
        """The settings for Slack App installation (OAuth flow).

            client_id: Check the value in Settings > Basic Information > App Credentials
            client_secret: Check the value in Settings > Basic Information > App Credentials
            scopes: Check the value in Settings > Manage Distribution
            user_scopes: Check the value in Settings > Manage Distribution
            redirect_uri: Check the value in Features > OAuth & Permissions > Redirect URLs
            install_path: The endpoint to start an OAuth flow (Default: `/slack/install`)
            install_page_rendering_enabled: Renders a web page for install_path access if True
            redirect_uri_path: The path of Redirect URL (Default: `/slack/oauth_redirect`)
            callback_options: Give success/failure functions f you want to customize callback functions.
            success_url: Set a complete URL if you want to redirect end-users when an installation completes.
            failure_url: Set a complete URL if you want to redirect end-users when an installation fails.
            authorization_url: Set a URL if you want to customize the URL ``
            installation_store: Specify the instance of `InstallationStore` (Default: `FileInstallationStore`)
            installation_store_bot_only: Use `InstallationStore#find_bot()` if True (Default: False)
            token_rotation_expiration_minutes: Minutes before refreshing tokens (Default: 2 hours)
            user_token_resolution: The option to pick up a user token per request (Default: authed_user)
                The available values are "authed_user" and "actor". When you want to resolve the user token per request
                using the event's actor IDs, you can set "actor" instead. With this option, bolt-python tries to resolve
                a user token for context.actor_enterprise/team/user_id. This can be useful for events in Slack Connect
                channels. Note that actor IDs can be absent in some scenarios.
            state_validation_enabled: Set False if your OAuth flow omits the state parameter validation (Default: True)
            state_store: Specify the instance of `InstallationStore` (Default: `FileOAuthStateStore`)
            state_cookie_name: The cookie name that is set for installers' browser. (Default: "slack-app-oauth-state")
            state_expiration_seconds: The seconds that the state value is alive (Default: 600 seconds)
            logger: The logger that will be used internally
        client_id: Optional[str] = client_id or os.environ.get("SLACK_CLIENT_ID")
        client_secret: Optional[str] = client_secret or os.environ.get("SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET")
        if client_id is None or client_secret is None:
            raise BoltError("Both client_id and client_secret are required")
        self.client_id = client_id
        self.client_secret = client_secret

        # NOTE: pytype says that self.scopes can be str, not Sequence[str].
        # That's true but we will check the pattern in the following if statement.
        # Thus, we ignore the warnings here. This is the same for user_scopes too.
        self.scopes = (  # type: ignore
            scopes  # type: ignore
            if scopes is not None
            else os.environ.get("SLACK_SCOPES", "").split(",")  # type: ignore
        )  # type: ignore
        if isinstance(self.scopes, str):
            self.scopes = self.scopes.split(",")
        self.user_scopes = (  # type: ignore
            user_scopes if user_scopes is not None else os.environ.get("SLACK_USER_SCOPES", "").split(",")  # type: ignore
        )  # type: ignore
        if isinstance(self.user_scopes, str):
            self.user_scopes = self.user_scopes.split(",")
        self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri or os.environ.get("SLACK_REDIRECT_URI")
        # Handler configuration
        self.install_path = install_path or os.environ.get("SLACK_INSTALL_PATH", "/slack/install")
        self.install_page_rendering_enabled = install_page_rendering_enabled
        self.redirect_uri_path = redirect_uri_path or os.environ.get("SLACK_REDIRECT_URI_PATH", "/slack/oauth_redirect")
        self.callback_options = callback_options
        self.success_url = success_url
        self.failure_url = failure_url
        self.authorization_url = authorization_url or ""
        # Installation Management
        self.installation_store = installation_store or get_or_create_default_installation_store(client_id)
        self.user_token_resolution = user_token_resolution or "authed_user"
        self.installation_store_bot_only = installation_store_bot_only
        self.token_rotation_expiration_minutes = token_rotation_expiration_minutes
        self.authorize = InstallationStoreAuthorize(
        # state parameter related configurations
        self.state_validation_enabled = state_validation_enabled
        self.state_store = state_store or FileOAuthStateStore(
        self.state_cookie_name = state_cookie_name
        self.state_expiration_seconds = state_expiration_seconds

        self.state_utils = OAuthStateUtils(
        self.authorize_url_generator = AuthorizeUrlGenerator(
        self.redirect_uri_page_renderer = RedirectUriPageRenderer(


class OAuthSettings (*, client_id: Optional[str] = None, client_secret: Optional[str] = None, scopes: Union[str, Sequence[str], ForwardRef(None)] = None, user_scopes: Union[str, Sequence[str], ForwardRef(None)] = None, redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None, install_path: str = '/slack/install', install_page_rendering_enabled: bool = True, redirect_uri_path: str = '/slack/oauth_redirect', callback_options: Optional[CallbackOptions] = None, success_url: Optional[str] = None, failure_url: Optional[str] = None, authorization_url: Optional[str] = None, installation_store: Optional[slack_sdk.oauth.installation_store.installation_store.InstallationStore] = None, installation_store_bot_only: bool = False, token_rotation_expiration_minutes: int = 120, user_token_resolution: str = 'authed_user', state_validation_enabled: bool = True, state_store: Optional[slack_sdk.oauth.state_store.state_store.OAuthStateStore] = None, state_cookie_name: str = 'slack-app-oauth-state', state_expiration_seconds: int = 600, logger: logging.Logger = <Logger slack_bolt.oauth.oauth_settings (WARNING)>)

The settings for Slack App installation (OAuth flow).


Check the value in Settings > Basic Information > App Credentials
Check the value in Settings > Basic Information > App Credentials
Check the value in Settings > Manage Distribution
Check the value in Settings > Manage Distribution
Check the value in Features > OAuth & Permissions > Redirect URLs
The endpoint to start an OAuth flow (Default: /slack/install)
Renders a web page for install_path access if True
The path of Redirect URL (Default: /slack/oauth_redirect)
Give success/failure functions f you want to customize callback functions.
Set a complete URL if you want to redirect end-users when an installation completes.
Set a complete URL if you want to redirect end-users when an installation fails.
Set a URL if you want to customize the URL
Specify the instance of InstallationStore (Default: FileInstallationStore)
Use InstallationStore#find_bot() if True (Default: False)
Minutes before refreshing tokens (Default: 2 hours)
The option to pick up a user token per request (Default: authed_user) The available values are "authed_user" and "actor". When you want to resolve the user token per request using the event's actor IDs, you can set "actor" instead. With this option, bolt-python tries to resolve a user token for context.actor_enterprise/team/user_id. This can be useful for events in Slack Connect channels. Note that actor IDs can be absent in some scenarios.
Set False if your OAuth flow omits the state parameter validation (Default: True)
Specify the instance of InstallationStore (Default: FileOAuthStateStore)
The cookie name that is set for installers' browser. (Default: "slack-app-oauth-state")
The seconds that the state value is alive (Default: 600 seconds)
The logger that will be used internally
Expand source code
class OAuthSettings:
    # OAuth flow parameters/credentials
    client_id: str
    client_secret: str
    scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]]
    user_scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]]
    redirect_uri: Optional[str]
    # Handler configuration
    install_path: str
    install_page_rendering_enabled: bool
    redirect_uri_path: str
    callback_options: Optional[CallbackOptions] = None
    success_url: Optional[str]
    failure_url: Optional[str]
    authorization_url: str  # default:
    # Installation Management
    installation_store: InstallationStore
    installation_store_bot_only: bool
    token_rotation_expiration_minutes: int
    authorize: Authorize
    user_token_resolution: str  # default: "authed_user"
    # state parameter related configurations
    state_validation_enabled: bool
    state_store: OAuthStateStore
    state_cookie_name: str
    state_expiration_seconds: int
    # Customizable utilities
    state_utils: OAuthStateUtils
    authorize_url_generator: AuthorizeUrlGenerator
    redirect_uri_page_renderer: RedirectUriPageRenderer
    # Others
    logger: Logger

    def __init__(
        # OAuth flow parameters/credentials
        client_id: Optional[str] = None,  # required
        client_secret: Optional[str] = None,  # required
        scopes: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None,
        user_scopes: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None,
        redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None,
        # Handler configuration
        install_path: str = "/slack/install",
        install_page_rendering_enabled: bool = True,
        redirect_uri_path: str = "/slack/oauth_redirect",
        callback_options: Optional[CallbackOptions] = None,
        success_url: Optional[str] = None,
        failure_url: Optional[str] = None,
        authorization_url: Optional[str] = None,
        # Installation Management
        installation_store: Optional[InstallationStore] = None,
        installation_store_bot_only: bool = False,
        token_rotation_expiration_minutes: int = 120,
        user_token_resolution: str = "authed_user",
        # state parameter related configurations
        state_validation_enabled: bool = True,
        state_store: Optional[OAuthStateStore] = None,
        state_cookie_name: str = OAuthStateUtils.default_cookie_name,
        state_expiration_seconds: int = OAuthStateUtils.default_expiration_seconds,
        # Others
        logger: Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__),
        """The settings for Slack App installation (OAuth flow).

            client_id: Check the value in Settings > Basic Information > App Credentials
            client_secret: Check the value in Settings > Basic Information > App Credentials
            scopes: Check the value in Settings > Manage Distribution
            user_scopes: Check the value in Settings > Manage Distribution
            redirect_uri: Check the value in Features > OAuth & Permissions > Redirect URLs
            install_path: The endpoint to start an OAuth flow (Default: `/slack/install`)
            install_page_rendering_enabled: Renders a web page for install_path access if True
            redirect_uri_path: The path of Redirect URL (Default: `/slack/oauth_redirect`)
            callback_options: Give success/failure functions f you want to customize callback functions.
            success_url: Set a complete URL if you want to redirect end-users when an installation completes.
            failure_url: Set a complete URL if you want to redirect end-users when an installation fails.
            authorization_url: Set a URL if you want to customize the URL ``
            installation_store: Specify the instance of `InstallationStore` (Default: `FileInstallationStore`)
            installation_store_bot_only: Use `InstallationStore#find_bot()` if True (Default: False)
            token_rotation_expiration_minutes: Minutes before refreshing tokens (Default: 2 hours)
            user_token_resolution: The option to pick up a user token per request (Default: authed_user)
                The available values are "authed_user" and "actor". When you want to resolve the user token per request
                using the event's actor IDs, you can set "actor" instead. With this option, bolt-python tries to resolve
                a user token for context.actor_enterprise/team/user_id. This can be useful for events in Slack Connect
                channels. Note that actor IDs can be absent in some scenarios.
            state_validation_enabled: Set False if your OAuth flow omits the state parameter validation (Default: True)
            state_store: Specify the instance of `InstallationStore` (Default: `FileOAuthStateStore`)
            state_cookie_name: The cookie name that is set for installers' browser. (Default: "slack-app-oauth-state")
            state_expiration_seconds: The seconds that the state value is alive (Default: 600 seconds)
            logger: The logger that will be used internally
        client_id: Optional[str] = client_id or os.environ.get("SLACK_CLIENT_ID")
        client_secret: Optional[str] = client_secret or os.environ.get("SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET")
        if client_id is None or client_secret is None:
            raise BoltError("Both client_id and client_secret are required")
        self.client_id = client_id
        self.client_secret = client_secret

        # NOTE: pytype says that self.scopes can be str, not Sequence[str].
        # That's true but we will check the pattern in the following if statement.
        # Thus, we ignore the warnings here. This is the same for user_scopes too.
        self.scopes = (  # type: ignore
            scopes  # type: ignore
            if scopes is not None
            else os.environ.get("SLACK_SCOPES", "").split(",")  # type: ignore
        )  # type: ignore
        if isinstance(self.scopes, str):
            self.scopes = self.scopes.split(",")
        self.user_scopes = (  # type: ignore
            user_scopes if user_scopes is not None else os.environ.get("SLACK_USER_SCOPES", "").split(",")  # type: ignore
        )  # type: ignore
        if isinstance(self.user_scopes, str):
            self.user_scopes = self.user_scopes.split(",")
        self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri or os.environ.get("SLACK_REDIRECT_URI")
        # Handler configuration
        self.install_path = install_path or os.environ.get("SLACK_INSTALL_PATH", "/slack/install")
        self.install_page_rendering_enabled = install_page_rendering_enabled
        self.redirect_uri_path = redirect_uri_path or os.environ.get("SLACK_REDIRECT_URI_PATH", "/slack/oauth_redirect")
        self.callback_options = callback_options
        self.success_url = success_url
        self.failure_url = failure_url
        self.authorization_url = authorization_url or ""
        # Installation Management
        self.installation_store = installation_store or get_or_create_default_installation_store(client_id)
        self.user_token_resolution = user_token_resolution or "authed_user"
        self.installation_store_bot_only = installation_store_bot_only
        self.token_rotation_expiration_minutes = token_rotation_expiration_minutes
        self.authorize = InstallationStoreAuthorize(
        # state parameter related configurations
        self.state_validation_enabled = state_validation_enabled
        self.state_store = state_store or FileOAuthStateStore(
        self.state_cookie_name = state_cookie_name
        self.state_expiration_seconds = state_expiration_seconds

        self.state_utils = OAuthStateUtils(
        self.authorize_url_generator = AuthorizeUrlGenerator(
        self.redirect_uri_page_renderer = RedirectUriPageRenderer(

Class variables

var authorization_url : str
var authorizeAuthorize
var authorize_url_generator : slack_sdk.oauth.authorize_url_generator.AuthorizeUrlGenerator
var callback_options : Optional[CallbackOptions]
var client_id : str
var client_secret : str
var failure_url : Optional[str]
var install_page_rendering_enabled : bool
var install_path : str
var installation_store : slack_sdk.oauth.installation_store.installation_store.InstallationStore
var installation_store_bot_only : bool
var logger : logging.Logger
var redirect_uri : Optional[str]
var redirect_uri_page_renderer : slack_sdk.oauth.redirect_uri_page_renderer.RedirectUriPageRenderer
var redirect_uri_path : str
var scopes : Optional[Sequence[str]]
var state_expiration_seconds : int
var state_store : slack_sdk.oauth.state_store.state_store.OAuthStateStore
var state_utils : slack_sdk.oauth.state_utils.OAuthStateUtils
var state_validation_enabled : bool
var success_url : Optional[str]
var token_rotation_expiration_minutes : int
var user_scopes : Optional[Sequence[str]]
var user_token_resolution : str