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An adapter for Slack’s interactive message components such as buttons, menus, and dialogs.

new SlackMessageAdapter(signingSecret, opts)

Create a message adapter.


Name Type Required Description
signingSecret string

Slack app signing secret used to authenticate request

opts MessageAdapterOptions See options.


Name Type
agent Agent
lateResponseFallbackEnabled boolean
syncResponseTimeout number


Name Type Description
lateResponseFallbackEnabled boolean

Whether or not promises that resolve after the syncResponseTimeout can fallback to a request for the response_url. This only works in cases where the semantic meaning of the response and the response_url are the same.

signingSecret string

Slack app signing secret used to authenticate request

syncResponseTimeout number

The number of milliseconds to wait before flushing a synchronous response to an incoming request and falling back to an asynchronous response.


action(matchingConstraints, callback)

Add a handler for an interactive message action.

Usually there’s no need to be concerned with how a message is sent to Slack, but the following table describes it fully.

Action|Return object|Return Promise<object>|Return undefined|Call respond(message)|Notes :—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—–: Button Press| Message in response | When resolved before syncResponseTimeout or lateResponseFallbackEnabled: false, message in response
When resolved after syncResponseTimeout and lateResponseFallbackEnabled: true, message in request to response_url | Empty response | Message in request to response_url | Create a new message instead of replacing using replace_original: false Menu Selection| Message in response | When resolved before syncResponseTimeout or lateResponseFallbackEnabled: false, message in response
When resolved after syncResponseTimeout and lateResponseFallbackEnabled: true, message in request to response_url | Empty response | Message in request to response_url | Create a new message instead of replacing using replace_original: false Message Action | Message in response | When resolved before syncResponseTimeout or lateResponseFallbackEnabled: false, message in response
When resolved after syncResponseTimeout and lateResponseFallbackEnabled: true, message in request to response_url | Empty response | Message in request to response_url | Dialog Submission| Error list in response | Error list in response | Empty response | Message in request to response_url | Returning a Promise that takes longer than 3 seconds to resolve can result in the user seeing an error. Warning logged if a promise isn’t completed before syncResponseTimeout.


Name Type Required Description
matchingConstraints string | RegExp | ActionConstraints

the callback ID (as a string or RegExp) or an object describing the constraints to match actions for the handler.

callback ActionHandler

the function to run when an action is matched

Returns this


Create a server that dispatches Slack’s interactive message actions and menu requests to this message adapter instance. Use this method if your application will handle starting the server.

Returns Promise<http.Server>


Create a middleware function that can be used to integrate with the express web framework in order for incoming requests to be dispatched to this message adapter instance.

Returns RequestHandler

options(matchingConstraints, callback)

Add a handler for an options request

Usually there’s no need to be concerned with how a message is sent to Slack, but the following table describes it fully

&nbsp;|Return options|Return Promise<options>|Return undefined|Notes :—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—–: Options Request| Options in response | Options in response | Empty response | Returning a Promise that takes longer than 3 seconds to resolve can result in the user seeing an error. If the request is from within a dialog, the text field is called label.


Name Type Required Description
matchingConstraints string | RegExp | OptionsConstraints

the callback ID (as a string or RegExp) or an object describing the constraints to select options requests for the handler.

callback OptionsHandler

the function to run when an options request is matched

Returns this


Create a request listener function that handles HTTP requests, verifies requests and dispatches responses

Returns RequestListener

shortcut(matchingConstraints, callback)


Name Type Required
matchingConstraints string | RegExp | ShortcutConstraints
callback ShortcutHandler

Returns this


Start a built-in server that dispatches Slack’s interactive message actions and menu requests to this message adapter interface.


Name Type Required
port number

Returns Promise<http.Server>


Stop the previously started built-in server.

Returns Promise<void>

viewClosed(matchingConstraints, callback)

Add a handler for view closed interaction. The handler should not return a value.


Name Type Required Description
matchingConstraints string | RegExp | ViewConstraints

the callback ID (as a string or RegExp) or an object describing the constraints to match view closed interactions for the handler.

callback ViewClosedHandler

the function to run when an view closed interaction is matched

Returns this

viewSubmission(matchingConstraints, callback)

Add a handler for view submission.

The value returned from the callback determines the response sent back to Slack. The handler can return a plain object with a response_action property to dismiss the modal, push a view into the modal, display validation errors, or update the view. Alternatively, the handler can return a Promise for this kind of object, which resolves before syncResponseTimeout or lateResponseFallbackEnabled: false, to perform the same response actions. If the Promise resolves afterwards or lateResponseFallbackEnabled: true then the modal will be dismissed. If the handler returns undefined the modal will be dismissed.


Name Type Required Description
matchingConstraints string | RegExp | ViewConstraints

the callback ID (as a string or RegExp) or an object describing the constraints to match view submissions for the handler.

callback ViewSubmissionHandler

the function to run when an view submission is matched

Returns this


createMessageAdapter(signingSecret, options)

Factory method to create an instance of SlackMessageAdapter


Name Type Required
signingSecret string
options MessageAdapterOptions

Returns SlackMessageAdapter



A dictionary of codes for errors produced by this package.


  • BodyParserNotPermitted
  • PromiseTimeout
  • RequestTimeFailure
  • SignatureVerificationFailure


Some HTTP response statuses.


  • Failure
  • Ok



Constraints on when to call an action handler.


Name Type Description
actionId string | RegExp

A string or RegExp to match against the action_id

blockId string | RegExp

A string or RegExp to match against the block_id

callbackId string | RegExp

A string or RegExp to match against the callback_id

type string

Valid types include all [actions block elements](, select only for menu selections, or dialog_submission only for dialog submissions

unfurl boolean

When true only match actions from an unfurl


The result of a call to dispatch.


Name Type
content any
status ResponseStatus


Options for constructing SlackMessageAdapter.


Name Type
agent Agent
lateResponseFallbackEnabled boolean
syncResponseTimeout number


Constraints on when to call an options handler.


Name Type Description
actionId string | RegExp

A string or RegExp to match against the action_id

blockId string | RegExp

A string or RegExp to match against the block_id

callbackId string | RegExp

A string or RegExp to match against the callback_id

within 'block_actions' | 'interactive_message' | 'dialog'

The source of options request.


Constraints on when to call an shortcut handler.


Name Type Description
callbackId string | RegExp

A string or RegExp to match against the callback_id

type 'shortcut'

Valid type includes shortcut


Constraints on when to call a view submission or view closed handler.


Name Type Description
callbackId string | RegExp

A string or RegExp to match against the callback_id

externalId string | RegExp

A string to match against the external_id

viewId string

A string to match against the view_id

Type Aliases


A handler function for action requests (block actions, button presses, menu selections, and dialog submissions).

) => any | Promise<any> | undefined


A handler function for menu options requests.

<any> | undefined


A function used to send message updates after an action is handled. This function can be used up to 5 times in 30 minutes.



A handler function for global shortcuts.

TODO: describe the payload and return values more specifically?

<any> | undefined


A handler function for view closed requests.

TODO: describe the payload and return values more specifically?

One of:


A handler function for view submission requests.

TODO: describe the payload and return values more specifically?

<any> | undefined