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App Home

An App Home is a private, one-to-one space in Slack shared by a user and an app. Each App Home contains a number of tabbed surfaces, including a Messages tab for app-user conversation, and a Home tab that can be fully customized by the app.

Slack App Configuration

To enable Home tabs, visit the Slack App configuration page, choose the app you're working on, go to Features > App Home on the left pane, and then turn on Home Tab.

To enable Events API, go to Features > Event Subscriptions on the left pane. There are a few things to do on the page.

  • Turn on Enable Events
  • Set the Request URL to https://{your app's public URL domain}/slack/events (this step is not required for Socket Mode apps)
  • Add subscriptions to bot events
    • Click Subscribe to bot events
    • Click Add Bot User Event button
    • Choose app_home_opened event
  • Click the Save Changes button at the bottom for sure

What Your Bolt App Does

All your app needs to do to provide Home tabs to your app users are:

  1. Call the views.publish method to update the Home tab on a per-user basis
  2. Handle any user interactions in Home tab ("block_actions", "block_suggestion")

Most commonly, "app_home_opened" events would be used as the trigger to call the views.publish method. Subscribing this event type is useful particularly for the initial Home tab creation. But it's also fine to publish Home tabs by any other means.



If you're a beginner to using Bolt for Slack App development, consult Getting Started with Bolt, first.

The following code calls views.publish method when receiving an "app_home_opened" events for the user that triggered the event. The user will see the updated Home tab immediately after the views.publish call has been successfully completed.

import com.slack.api.methods.response.views.ViewsPublishResponse;
import com.slack.api.model.event.AppHomeOpenedEvent;
import com.slack.api.model.view.View;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;

import static com.slack.api.model.block.Blocks.*;
import static com.slack.api.model.block.composition.BlockCompositions.*;
import static com.slack.api.model.view.Views.*;

app.event(AppHomeOpenedEvent.class, (payload, ctx) -> {
// Build a Home tab view
ZonedDateTime now =;
View appHomeView = view(view -> view
section(section -> section.text(markdownText(mt -> mt.text(":wave: Hello, App Home! (Last updated: " + now + ")")))),
image(img -> img.imageUrl("").altText("alt text for image"))
// Update the App Home for the given user
if (payload.getEvent().getView() == null) {
ViewsPublishResponse res = ctx.client().viewsPublish(r -> r
} else {
ViewsPublishResponse res = ctx.client().viewsPublish(r -> r
.hash(payload.getEvent().getView().getHash()) // To safeguard against potential race conditions
return ctx.ack();

It looks like as below in Kotlin. (New to Kotlin? Getting Started in Kotlin may be helpful)

// static imports
import com.slack.api.model.block.Blocks.*
import com.slack.api.model.block.composition.BlockCompositions.*
import com.slack.api.model.view.Views.*

import com.slack.api.model.event.AppHomeOpenedEvent
import java.time.ZonedDateTime

app.event( { event, ctx ->
// Build a Home tab view
val now =
val appHomeView = view {
section { section -> section.text(markdownText { mt -> mt.text(":wave: Hello, App Home! (Last updated: ${now})") }) },
image { img -> img.imageUrl("").altText("alt text for image") }
// Update the App Home for the given user
val res = ctx.client().viewsPublish {
.hash(event.event.view?.hash) // To protect against possible race conditions

You can also build the view in the above example with the Block Kit Kotlin DSL like so:

// These imports are necessary for this code
import com.slack.api.model.kotlin_extension.view.blocks
import com.slack.api.model.view.Views.view

val appHomeView = view { it
.blocks {
section {
markdownText(":wave: Hello, App Home! (Last updated: ${now}")
image {

Under the Hood

Refer to the Events API guide.